
Avoiding Injuries When Starting Your New Year’s Resolutions

The start of a new year means New Year’s Resolutions, among other things. One of the most common resolutions people make is to get in better physical condition in the year ahead. It’s a great goal, but unfortunately, the burst of enthusiasm can often lead to injury. The most common types of injuries are those born of repetitive use: sprain or strain and it’s not uncommon for chiropractor’s and doctor’s offices to see a sudden influx of patients suffering from bursitis, shin splints, tendonitis and stress fractures. Here are some quick tips to help you minimize your risk of injury as you begin your journey toward better health:

Technique Matters- Sometimes, people get so caught up in the excitement of getting fit that they don’t pay attention to technique. If you’re using some type of equipment during your exercise routine, be sure you’re using it correctly. Proper technique and posture is essential, and can go a long way toward minimizing pain and injury when exercising.

Don’t Overdo It-If you’re new to exercising, then your strength, endurance, and flexibility aren’t what they could be.  It’s important to be mindful of your limitations as you start to exercise, so you don’t overexert yourself. Over-exertion can lead to pulled or strained muscles, or painful sprains.

Warm Up and Cool Down-This is something that a lot of people overlook, but both are important. Before you begin exercising, be sure to perform a short stretching routine to limber your body up for the exercises ahead. Walk in place or jog slowly to engage and increase the blood flow to all the major muscle groups before you begin intense exercise. At the end of your work out, some basic stretches will help muscles recover more quickly.

Mix it up-Yes, it is boring to run around the same track every day. But boredom isn’t the only reason to try a variety of activities. Repetitive strain injuries are caused by the overuse of a specific set of muscles. Participating in a variety of activities allows muscle groups to rest without the need to skip exercise all together.

Get proper nutrition-An engine needs fuel to run, and your body needs food and water to exercise safely. While you should avoid filling up right before a workout, exercising on empty leaves you more vulnerable to muscle fatigue, dehydration and injury.

See your Chiropractor-You may feel healthy enough for regular exercise, but getting a checkup from your chiropractic doctor before starting a new fitness routine may help you avoid serious injury. A properly aligned spine improves your balance and stability—two important keys to avoiding injury during exercise. Regular chiropractic care will help keep your spine healthy as you work to make the rest of your body that way.  A new physical activity could aggravate an un-diagnosed condition or untreated back problem, leading to pain or serious illness/injury.

While following this simple advice won’t allow you to magically avoid exercise-related injuries, it will greatly reduce your risks. In turn, you will increase the chances that you’ll stick with your New Year’s Resolution and start seeing a healthier you!