
The Dangers of Text Neck and What You Can Do to Prevent It

The Dangers of Text Neck and What You Can Do to Prevent It

If you haven’t heard about Text Neck yet, this has become a new buzzword in the health industry to describe a very common issue that impacts people today. Text neck is a condition that formed when you overuse your neck, back and shoulder muscles by keeping yourself in a hunched over position, typically the position that occurs when you spend a lot of time looking down and forward, such as you would when looking on a mobile device or even typing on your computer. When you keep yourself in this position, it can cause serious strain on the spine. This condition affects the placement and alignment of the neck, and brings with it some serious health risks. It is a real issue and something that can cause daily pain and discomfort as well as life-long damage to your spine. While Text Neck is a real and serious issue, the good news is it is also one that can be improved with chiropractic care, if you take the time to visit your chiropractor and get the assistance that you need.

What is Text Neck?

Text Neck is the name given to the increasingly common neck, upper back, and shoulder pain many people are experiencing. This pain typically starts in the neck and spreads from there. While Text Neck is the term that has been developed to relate to the pain that can materialize from frequent texting, the condition has been around since way before the first cell phone. Text Neck is the modern day term for the more classical health condition known as Forward Head Posture/Anterior Head Posture. The same is true for regular computer users as well as spending lots of time looking down to read.

What Are the Symptoms?

If you suspect that you may have text neck, look for the following symptoms: increasing occurrences of headaches, neck pain, pain in the shoulders, pain in the upper back, and even a slight curving of the spine. Considering that all of these symptoms stem from the simple use of a device, the symptoms are quite alarming. The severity of the symptoms will vary from person to person, but tend to be more prominent with an increased level of activity on the phone or device. 

Today, due to text neck, we are see young children daily experiencing neck pain due to poor posture from the hours they spend each day texting and playing handheld video games. The problem is expected to get worse as more and more people spend hours every day text messaging and using social media on their phones. The root of the problem is tied to poor posture while individuals are spending more time staring down at their phones.

Problems Caused by Text Neck

Bad posture during texting creates neck pain and soreness. In addition, looking down at your cell phone too much each day can lead to experiencing pain and headaches. This is usually when people first become aware that something is wrong. However, this condition also applies extra pressure to your nervous system, meaning it can lead to pain and discomfort all over the body and it can be causing issues in your arms and hands, in your low back and lead to other serious health issues.

The cervical spine guards the nerves in the neck, which allow you to turn side to side and look up and down. It also is intended to act like a shock absorber and protects the brain from jolts and jarring knocks. When the head is in line with the spine and directly over the shoulders, the cervical spine is able to distribute the weight of the head evenly throughout the joints.

This however, is not true when spends hours every day in a head down position pulls against the natural curvature of the neck.  Over time, instead of a graceful curvature toward the back, the cervical spine can be pulled into an upright position or worse, the curvature of the neck can be reversed and bend in the wrong direction. When the head is in a forward and down position for long periods of time, it pulls at the tissues in the neck, weakens the muscles, and the shoulders start to round forward , leading to more poor posture, weakened muscles, and a hunched over appearance. When the neck is pulled forward the cervical spine and the upper back becomes misaligned, which can cause pinched nerves and even herniated discs.

The reason the neck changes so much when it is in this position, is that the average adult head weighs between 10-12 pounds, and when you tilt that head forward and down to look at your phone you are increasing the gravitational pull on your neck and applying a great deal of pressure to this delicate area of your spine. This force is the equivalent of 60 pounds of extra weight.

Proactive Measures to Protect Yourself from Text Neck

Awareness of text neck, what causes it and the problems associated it with should be a wakeup call to be aware of how much time we are spending with our heads in an abnormal position.

  1. For starters, you can always limit your electronic usage. I know it sounds simple, and it actually is that simple. Take time away from your phone and give your neck a break! Trust me you will be okay without Facebook or Candy Crush for a few hours.
  2. Secondly, simply lifting the phone of video game to a higher position will help a lot.  Work on keeping your back straight, your shoulders back and try to maintain a neutral spine when using technology.
  3. Next try to perform neck stretches throughout the day to release tension and pain. Take a few seconds as you use your device, put it down and stretch your neck out. Also make sure to stand up and move around for at least 10 minutes of every hour.
  4. Saving the best for last, anyone that does a lot of texting or any activity that has your head in a downward position should see a chiropractor on a regular basis. Spending time with your neck in a bad position is guaranteed to cause subluxations in the neck that need to be corrected. A chiropractor can use spinal manipulation to properly align the spine and keep it healthier and pain free. We will also show you quick and easy daily exercises and teach you techniques for holding your mobile device that limit strain on your neck and spine.

To get chiropractic care, try Bettendorf Chiropractic Wellness Center. Let a chiropractor align your spine, reduce your text neck, and keep your spine and body healthier than ever. Give our office a call today to prevent any of these symptoms, 563-359-5600!