
2018 New Years Resolutions

Every time January rolls around, many of us make New Year’s resolutions in hopes of improving an area of our life or lifestyle but only a small percentage recognizes chiropractic care in their resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. Chiropractic care isn’t just a means to treat back and neck pain, headaches and musculoskeletal conditions. The core principles of chiropractic are similar to the principles of nutrition, exercise and rest.  At Bettendorf Chiropractic Wellness Center, we want to help you achieve your physical health goals through both our chiropractic services and expert knowledge. For 2018, we highly recommend making a resolution to strengthen your spine through proper exercise.

Diet and Exercise Tips

While the winter season might increase the risk for weather-related injury, the biggest risk to our overall health is a lack of attention to diet and exercise routines. The chilly and unpleasant weather can also make it very difficult to find the motivation to get to the gym or head outdoors for exercise.  Here are some winter exercise tips to show you how to stay healthy and fit during the cold winter months:

1. Stairs- Running or walking up and down the stairs in your house or apartment building can be a great high intensity cardio and leg workout. One option for those starting out is to add walking intervals every few floors. For example, leave the stairwell and walk the length of the hallway and back before resuming your ascent.

Take it up a notch: Try climbing two steps at a time, sprinting a few flights or doing jumping jacks between floors to raise the intensity.

2. Ice Skating- This is a great aerobic and social work out that can be done at Frozen Landing in Bettendorf.

Take it up a notch: Skating backwards can also work your muscles in different ways and will help you pick up the pace to get your heart pumping.

3. Indoor Sports and Activities- Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you have to remain indoors. Head to the gym and find a new class to sign up for.  Check out local schools, community centers or gyms where people drop in for a game of basketball, floor hockey or other team sports. You can also join a team or individual sports program.

Take it up a notch: If you have the time, try combining more than one workout each day. Try a yoga class right after pick-up basketball game or Zumba in the morning and volleyball at night.

4. Hit the Slopes- It’s the only time of the year to enjoy winter sports. It’s not too late to get out the old skis and hit the bunny slopes. Winter sports are a great way to stay fit while you’re having fun.

5. Go Play Outside -If you have children or grandchildren, a great way to stay active during the winter is to play in the snow. Take the kids outside and help them build a snowman, take them sledding or just go for a walk with them in the snow. You’ll burn calories and you’ll be able to spend time with your family members!

6. Home Gym-If the weather is so bad that you can’t leave your home, you have no excuse not to try a home workout. Almost everyone has a computer and high speed internet, just search “home exercise” and follow along on your laptop. You don’t have to pay for a fancy gym membership to stay active.

7. Finish the Housework-Sometimes just the things we do every day, like cleaning the house, has healthy benefits. If you have been wanting to clean out the storage room for months, now is the time to do it for your health. Lifting, bending, flexing, stretching and walking are all things that have health benefits.

8. Shovel for the Neighbors- Shoveling the snow is very tiresome and may be considered a total body workout. You’re pushing and lifting over and over again. You’re using your arms, legs, back and chest to remove all of the snow.

Take it up a notch- After shoveling your own snow is to take it to the next level and shovel your neighbor’s snow. Your joints will thank you in the long run.

9. Go Shopping- Believe it or not; there are definitely health benefits to shopping. During the holiday season, and the cold months when everyone is out shopping, you may not get the closest parking spot to the door. In fact during a long day of shopping you may walk over a mile.  All of the steps add up and all of the steps are great ways to stay active.

10. Help Someone in Need-The winter months and the holidays go hand in hand. This year if you are going to volunteer, perhaps you can choose an organization that requires some physical activity. Even helping at a local soup kitchen requires you to walk around, lift, bend etc. These are all great ways you are helping yourself as well as others.

There are countless winter wellness tips and ideas available to ensure you have lots of ways to stay healthy, fit and safe this holiday season and beyond. These healthy winter habits will help you to recognize where your health falls short and what you can do to boost it during this time of year. Having regular chiropractic adjustments can help boost the immune system, so call Bettendorf Chiropractic Wellness Center to schedule your appointment today 563-359-5600.