
How to have a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a holiday we look forward to all year long: lots of family, football, fun, and food! But if you aren’t careful, you could end up feeling miserable and as stuffed as the turkey you just ate. Instead of pushing yourself to the point of discomfort, treat yourself to a little self-care.

Here are our tips for enjoying a satisfying Thanksgiving:


Fasting throughout the day before your Thanksgiving meal can lead to overeating. Eating breakfast when you wake in the morning can curb your appetite as well as munching on crunchy vegetables throughout the day to help curb your appetite. It’s important to start your day with a healthy breakfast. Have a fiber-filled breakfast to keep you from snacking all throughout the day and to prevent over-eating when you dig into your Thanksgiving feast.

Fiber-filled breakfast ideas:

-Parfait- Add a half cup of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese and top with a half cup of high fiber cereal and one cup raspberries or blackberries

-Make avocado toast- Toast a slice of your favorite whole grain bread and top it with half of an avocado.

-Pair apples with almond butter- Grab your favorite type of apple with two tablespoons of almond butter. You can add some extra protein by sprinkling on chopped walnuts, pistachios, or almonds.

-Prep overnight oats- Rolled oats are an excellent source of fiber.

-Add vegetables to your morning smoothie- Add a handful of spinach or kale to a berry smoothie.

-Whip up an easy breakfast wrap- Mix your scrambled eggs with black beans and vegetables like red peppers and onions rolled into a whole wheat wrap.

      2. DRINK WATER

Water is an appetite suppressant, so make the effort to drink lots of water throughout the day. Drinking ample water can prevent you from sneaking bites of pumpkin pie or turkey as you prepare the meal.


One of the most important parts of Thanksgiving is to celebrate all the season has given us. So, if you are to properly celebrate, your plate should be full of colorful seasonal fruits and vegetables. Beets, carrots, squash, and pomegranates are all in season, so fill at least half your plate with fruits and veggies. Don’t forget to enjoy your favorite protein, TURKEY!


Instead of piling your plate with fillers, enjoy the foods you really love. Eating something just because it’s there will only make you miserable later. You can always have a small portion to get your fix of your favorite less-than-healthy foods. Sometimes despite our best efforts, we still end up stuffing ourselves silly.

 Over-indulging a few times a year isn’t a crime, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Enjoy an after-dinner walk with your family or friends, drink lots of water, and rest up. If you’ve been receiving regular chiropractic adjustments, your digestive system will be performing optimally, so you’ll be feeling great in no time!


It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re feeling full. In that time, many people overeat. Pacing yourself can help. Take pauses between bites. Draw out the meal by savoring your food, eating slowly, and smelling the delicious scent of each dish.

     6. GO FOR A WALK 

Going for a walk can encourage the digestive juices to start flowing after your Thanksgiving meal. This will help you burn off some of the calories that you’ve just consumed and will also help you get over any stomach ache that you may feel when you’re done eating.


There’s no denying it: Thanksgiving,  like many things this year is going to look different. We’ve spent months social distancing, working from home, wearing masks every time we go outside in public and now, we’ve got some difficult decisions about how we’re going to spend the holidays.

Remember, there is no “best” decision here, just an informed one. The facts we have, whether it’s your county’s infection rates or personal risk factors, are constantly changing. Just because things are different doesn’t mean they have to completely suck. Being healthy and hygienic can be fun too  and a safe Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to develop new traditions that celebrate the same old values we all hold dear.


-A remote gathering- Go Virtual!

-Weather permitting, host an outdoor gathering

-Keep gatherings small

- Follow basic novel coronavirus safety precautions

-Avoid buffet-style meals

-Check in on older family members


To help prepare your body for a happy and healthy Thanksgiving, start with chiropractic. Bettendorf Chiropractic Wellness Center wants you to enjoy a wonderful holiday season and we have plenty of tips and suggestions to help you do just that, call now, 563-359-5600 to schedule an adjustment